Exactly. The primary is the war. We need to have our election integrity groups, our EFRW groups all vetting and checking off who is naughty and nice. I made a spreadsheet for the Republican congressmen using average of CPAC, Liberty Score, Freedom Index, Gun Owners Association, Club for Growth and Heritage Action Scorecords. I keep it fairly updated on my twitter site.: https://twitter.com/Amer1stHunter/highlights But what about the local?! How are the other counties doing this?

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We need this done for state representatives and senators. It's easy to say "talk to your politically savvy friends" but I don't know anyone who reads bills, determines what votes are "conservative" and digs into donor lists to find compromised incumbents--including me. You're lucky to find primary candidates with Facebook pages let alone websites that include a resume you'd expect when you hire a babysitter. Then there's the question: how would party affiliation affect tax collectors? Property assessors? Let alone figure out differences in the primary! I've seen how the local party "vets" candidates--laughable. It WOULD be nice if Defend FL put together a list of primary candidates they endorse.

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Government should let people decide how they live so freedom does not mean telling others what to believe .. free will

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Uhhh...the St. Johns County recommendations? Yeah, wide of the mark on three of the candidates.

It doesn't get any more yes-man RINO than the three FNR endorsed for School 5 and CommitteeMan and CommitteeWoman (as demonstrated in their actions in the St Johns County Republican Executive Committee).

***Trust in our institutions is at an all-time low. We rebuild that trust through Transparency and Truthfulness.***

For that, I suggest the following PRINCIPLED candidates that will rebuild Trust (through Transparency and Truthfulness):

School Board D5: Lynn Straughan

State Committeewoman: Amy Demi

State Committeeman: Tom Rivers

Know that the SJC REC endorsed, *but did not vet*.

Know that the Republican Liberty Caucus ('The Conscience of the Republican Party' https://rlcfl.org) *vetted*, then endorsed.

I know it's a lot to get it 100% right, across the state...but in the future, I would hope FNR would do a little more due diligence before putting out a voter's guide in SJC.

Here's the better list:

U.S. House D5: Mara Macie

Florida State Senate D7: Gerry James

Florida State House D18: Kim Kendall

Florida State House D19: Darryl Boyer

Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller: Denver Cook

Sheriff: We don't see a good candidate. We lean towards Rob Hardwick because the Establishment seems to be rallying around Jim Preister.

County Commissioner D1: Ann-Marie Evans

County Commissioner D3: Clay Murphy

County Commissioner D5: Ann Taylor

School Board D2: Francis Cummings

School Board D5: Lynn Straughan

Circuit Judge Circuit 4, Group 34: Nancy Cleaveland

State Committeewoman: Amy Demi

State Committeeman: Tom Rivers

Finally...if you want the same-old, same-old decaying Amerika...then just blindly consume what the RPOF feeds you.

If you want a return to America...then get involved in your FL Republican Liberty Caucus!! Support the creation of a FL Legislative Freedom Caucus (https://rlcfl.org/establish-freedom-caucus-in-the-florida-legislature/)!!

If we always do what we've always done...we'll always get what we've always gotten.

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Can you, please, share more reasons you all don't like Rick Scott. What do you all think about Donalds?

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I always look up their votes .. I think ballotpedia has them. Then I decide if I agree with them . I think Rick Scott is all about Rick Scott. If you email him as a constituent I have never received a answer just a automated response until once this past 6 months a reply that was a form letter. Time for a change…

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Red Flag Rick? That one?

Keith Gross for Senate.

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Thanks for (mostly) accurate list for Collier County! I have a list for Lee & Charlotte Counties, if you need it.

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I am afraid of project 2025

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Remind voters if they do mail in ballots that you have to recall to get them if they haven’t voted since 2020 or 2022 I’m not sure but it definitely changed. Florida has not been consumer or voter friendly so we need to get the voters out . I personally do early voting and find it so easy and convenient. I have been talking to young people and telling them it is their right and they should use it…. I tell them to please vote for women’s right yes on 4! And I tell them as a 68 yr old I remember the fight for Roe v Wade and we need to fight for it again. I also tell them I am voting to make marijuana legal and that’s where I get the question of how to vote. We need to get the pay to play legislators out!!

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

There's no roadside test for cannabis like there is for alcohol. Sharing the road with cannabis-impaired is not safe.


Does the baby get a vote? If my adult daughter is murdered while pregnant, how would FL charge the murderer with a double homicide?


We need to move beyond Communists' sound bites and decide what kind of society we want to be.

But that should be *after* we take care of business on things that actually matter to Floridians (out-of-control growth, bought-by-bigInsurance legislators, bought-by-bigLawyer legislators, Federal irresponsibility on fiscal/monetary inflation, etc.).

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Trump is the Big Orange RINO. He was a Democrat all his life and donated to the Clintons and Schumer. He has led Rs to defeat in three straight election cycles, handing control of the Senate to his buddy Schumer and giving Rs only a slight advantage in the House. His biggest supporters among House Rs (MTG, Gaetz, et al.) vote with Hakeem Jeffries on virtually every major issue. They have blocked spending bills from coming to the floor and prevented modest improvements in immigration policy from floor consideration. They also routinely vote with Ds on the Rules Committee, killing conservative legislation in the larval stage. He's so far spent over $100 million in campaign donations on his lawyers, starving his campaign of the resources it needs to fund ground operations in battleground states. The man is a disaster for the GOP, but if you want to back him, that's fine by me. Just don't call the Rs who care about their party and their country are RINOs. Trump is the Big Orange RINO.

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What an appropriate last name you have.

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What an intelligent response.

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I'd suggest looking at Tehescmart's spreadsheets, above. I doubt if Hakeem would score as high as MTG with conservative groups. You're spouting stuff without backing it up.

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