I don't need to hear what a pundit has to say to understand what this Speakership fight is all about. McCarthy has ignored some of our most basic needs which consist of all the above factors and more. So fight on. Two days is nothing in the scheme of things. Two months, maybe something to be concerned about, but politics takes time. I've heard mentioned several times that the newly elected officials brought their sons and/or daughters out to see them get sworn in and it's so sad.

Really?? We're talking about a country of over 330M citizens yet we should feel uncomfortable because little Susie had to wait or miss her dad getting sworn in. Lighten up, folks. We've got many more issues to truly worry about. It's not going to kill you to see the sausage being made every so often.

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Well said 👏. And congratulations 🎉

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We, The People are tired of business as usual. I applaud those 20 representatives for having the courage to stand up. Kat Cammack endorsing McCarthy as speaker was sickening to watch.

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We'll the residents of Tampa had forewarning about her from what I've read. But seriously, she looked ... Well... Like a seasoned politician 😢

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That'll preach! 👏

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It's incredible to see the parallels between this process and the one we all just witnessed with FL REC elections. Same fear-mongering from establishment Reps that changing the old guard would be "really bad". Same name-calling and bullying tactics. Same threats that have been used by the elite for decades to keep the foot soldiers in Congress "compliant" (gee where have we heard that word before?). Stay strong. We haven't much time left to save this great country of ours (assuming it's not already too late). This exercise is exposing McCarthy for his true allegiances. They have him in a corner and we can thank the Liberty Caucus for that. Call one or all of the 20 now and thank them for their courage. "Not to speak, IS to speak"...D. Bonhoeffer 🙏

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These 20 holdouts did exactly what we true America First conservative Republicans expected especially Matt Gaetz. The House leadership had gone off the rails for good order and with Rules that were counter to getting things done. McCarthy now knows he is going to have to tow the line and stop acting like a dictator or risk being ousted.

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