We have been experiencing many of the same "dirty tricks" pulled by the "moderate and liberal" factions of our party here in Seminole County. Our group of Pro-Trump Constitutional Conservatives have been working for more than a year (before I joined) to get the corrupt leadership out -- unsuccessfully so far. However, the Chairman of SCREC (Seminole County Republican Executive Committee) was just arrested for fraudulent political activities so this may help our case to turn the rest of the party.
The County Chairs are up for election this December. So is the Board. It's time to stop protecting RINOs in office and in the RECs because we are terrified of the DEMOCRAT boogyman. The real enemy of the Republican Party is the insidious REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT RINOs. Even Democrats are turning away from the loud woke crowd. While we are stuck here fighting for Republican Party Platform issues that should be EMBRACED by every single Republican in office and leading each REC. Instead, RINOs in Tallahassee take money from TWO LEFT WING ARMCHAIR ACTIVISTS, Michael Bloomberg and Mike Fernandez, TO PASS GUN CONTROL --- with Republicans like that, we already are being led by Marxist Democrats by PROXY!
Yes, unfortunately, the elections for County Chairs are after the November election. We are attempting to get them out prior to that. It has not been easy.
I am a member of the Sarasota County REC. At the last meeting, I was handing out the rules, bylaws and guidelines for our REC to members and new candidates. Our Acting Chairman and his Executive Director threaten to have me arrested for standing on a public sidewalk. I was also told that I will be removed from the REC because I was giving out rules. I also have had several Sarasota REC members contact me and tell me that our Acting Chairman is telling everyone I am a felon. I have never been arrested and I love our law enforcement officiers.
Our REC needs redirection. We just want the rules and bylaws to be followed.
The Manatee County REC meeting Monday night revealed the leadership as either completely corrupt in its commitment to bar the PCs from doing their job and having their will expressed, or simply incompetent, or maybe both. A simple motion from the floor to propose that speakers be announced to the committee members in advance of the meeting resulted in a Biden style angry meltdown from our chair followed by a voting process on the floor that broke from parliamentary procedure in almost every aspect. This Chair withholds basic information from the PCs, like past meeting minutes and basic governing documents, provides no orientation, and ‘allows’ no motions from the floor until the end of the meeting by which time everyone has left lest they perish of boredom. Robert’s Rules be damned he has a meeting to run! Every aspect of this meeting is a perfunctory rubber stamp by the floor: the minutes are not handed out ahead of time, the speakers are a surprise, the treasurers report is not a report it’s a bank statement that reports in a single lump sum with no descriptions of how the cash was spent , the agenda is not adhered to and also not sent in advance, the committee reports are absolute gibberish and then we have to sit through a sermon on something called Republican values. The meetings are not only a mess in terms of efficiency and lack of adherence to parliamentary procedure, they do nothing to advance the goal of getting true Republican candidates, the kind that actually believe in the platform, elected. Nothing….except maybe handing out Desantis lawn signs, that was nice. The meetings are so obviously designed to suppress participation by the members that the agenda item at the very end when everyone is either home already, or asleep reads as follows:
New Business : none
That pretty much says it all. This ain’t democracy folks, this is the next generation of the old boys and their cronies.…..Time is wasting.
I joined the Manatee REC answering the Precinct Strategy call to action and while I realize progress has been made in electing conservative leadership, I see a lot of work yet to be done and a new leadership that is untested. Simple things like providing new PCs with orientation materials (governing documents, copies of recent minutes, rules set by committee that are not in the constitution, a list of standing committees and board names and contact info and a list of sanctioned club) have not been provided in any form. I hear disillusionment within the ranks of the originally-enthusiastic new PCs and I see half of the room empty out midway through the meetings. So if the precinct strategy is for the 100+ new PCs to come in and be passive observers and disengage out of boredom then mission accomplished, but we know that it isn’t. However there is no handbook, barely a website, poor communication skills in leadership and no orientation of any kind. Is this intentional? Time will tell. Will the New leadership become the New Old establishment with more conservative views but similar political motives? Time will tell.
The committee has other obvious challenges as well in terms of effectiveness of governance and meetings. While I don’t wish to share the details publicly suffice to say that it is my wish that this Committee, supported by the Board, will empower and educate their PCs in the true spirit of the precinct strategy, modernize with a working website and robust orientation process, adopt better meeting and communication skills, orient meetings toward new business rather than passive observation and speakers, and fully leverage the new energy in the room to bring home an overwhelming outcome for true conservatives in 2022. There is much to be done for that to happen. Stay Free 🇺🇸
Check Out the Manatee County REC. 2 years ago when we had elections, our 16 year Chairwoman Prevailed against Challenger Steve Vernon. The Non Good Old Boys/Establishment won 1 of the 3 elections (Treasurer) Bruce Stamm. At that time we had under 100 total members and 72 Showed up (were forced to by the chair) to vote. After a full year + of recruiting New members using the PC strategy by Dan Schultze of AZ, We now have a record 180 members, (over 100 new, never previously on the REC) and when the chair and VChair resigned last October, we hired 2 new NON Old Guard Officers who are Pro Trump/MAGA, pro Technology, and ready to Move forward into the 2022 elections with a brand new slate of Active REC members (and we are trying to fill our REC to its Max of 628 Members (plus as many of the 628 Alternates we can have).
Sorry but the actions of the Manatee Chair show that he isn't embracing Republican values but is another old guard. He sticks up for RINO candidates when they lie about their opponent during a meeting. He is only wanting money to spend it how he sees fit with no accountability to the members. As far as technology embracing, if what he thinks is embracing of technology he is still stuck in the early 90's. They have no strategy and we are so close to the primary.
We have been experiencing many of the same "dirty tricks" pulled by the "moderate and liberal" factions of our party here in Seminole County. Our group of Pro-Trump Constitutional Conservatives have been working for more than a year (before I joined) to get the corrupt leadership out -- unsuccessfully so far. However, the Chairman of SCREC (Seminole County Republican Executive Committee) was just arrested for fraudulent political activities so this may help our case to turn the rest of the party.
The County Chairs are up for election this December. So is the Board. It's time to stop protecting RINOs in office and in the RECs because we are terrified of the DEMOCRAT boogyman. The real enemy of the Republican Party is the insidious REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT RINOs. Even Democrats are turning away from the loud woke crowd. While we are stuck here fighting for Republican Party Platform issues that should be EMBRACED by every single Republican in office and leading each REC. Instead, RINOs in Tallahassee take money from TWO LEFT WING ARMCHAIR ACTIVISTS, Michael Bloomberg and Mike Fernandez, TO PASS GUN CONTROL --- with Republicans like that, we already are being led by Marxist Democrats by PROXY!
Yes, unfortunately, the elections for County Chairs are after the November election. We are attempting to get them out prior to that. It has not been easy.
I am a member of the Sarasota County REC. At the last meeting, I was handing out the rules, bylaws and guidelines for our REC to members and new candidates. Our Acting Chairman and his Executive Director threaten to have me arrested for standing on a public sidewalk. I was also told that I will be removed from the REC because I was giving out rules. I also have had several Sarasota REC members contact me and tell me that our Acting Chairman is telling everyone I am a felon. I have never been arrested and I love our law enforcement officiers.
Our REC needs redirection. We just want the rules and bylaws to be followed.
Sally, can you please email us directly at FloridaNewsReport@gmail.com - we would like to help you.
The Manatee County REC meeting Monday night revealed the leadership as either completely corrupt in its commitment to bar the PCs from doing their job and having their will expressed, or simply incompetent, or maybe both. A simple motion from the floor to propose that speakers be announced to the committee members in advance of the meeting resulted in a Biden style angry meltdown from our chair followed by a voting process on the floor that broke from parliamentary procedure in almost every aspect. This Chair withholds basic information from the PCs, like past meeting minutes and basic governing documents, provides no orientation, and ‘allows’ no motions from the floor until the end of the meeting by which time everyone has left lest they perish of boredom. Robert’s Rules be damned he has a meeting to run! Every aspect of this meeting is a perfunctory rubber stamp by the floor: the minutes are not handed out ahead of time, the speakers are a surprise, the treasurers report is not a report it’s a bank statement that reports in a single lump sum with no descriptions of how the cash was spent , the agenda is not adhered to and also not sent in advance, the committee reports are absolute gibberish and then we have to sit through a sermon on something called Republican values. The meetings are not only a mess in terms of efficiency and lack of adherence to parliamentary procedure, they do nothing to advance the goal of getting true Republican candidates, the kind that actually believe in the platform, elected. Nothing….except maybe handing out Desantis lawn signs, that was nice. The meetings are so obviously designed to suppress participation by the members that the agenda item at the very end when everyone is either home already, or asleep reads as follows:
New Business : none
That pretty much says it all. This ain’t democracy folks, this is the next generation of the old boys and their cronies.…..Time is wasting.
I joined the Manatee REC answering the Precinct Strategy call to action and while I realize progress has been made in electing conservative leadership, I see a lot of work yet to be done and a new leadership that is untested. Simple things like providing new PCs with orientation materials (governing documents, copies of recent minutes, rules set by committee that are not in the constitution, a list of standing committees and board names and contact info and a list of sanctioned club) have not been provided in any form. I hear disillusionment within the ranks of the originally-enthusiastic new PCs and I see half of the room empty out midway through the meetings. So if the precinct strategy is for the 100+ new PCs to come in and be passive observers and disengage out of boredom then mission accomplished, but we know that it isn’t. However there is no handbook, barely a website, poor communication skills in leadership and no orientation of any kind. Is this intentional? Time will tell. Will the New leadership become the New Old establishment with more conservative views but similar political motives? Time will tell.
The committee has other obvious challenges as well in terms of effectiveness of governance and meetings. While I don’t wish to share the details publicly suffice to say that it is my wish that this Committee, supported by the Board, will empower and educate their PCs in the true spirit of the precinct strategy, modernize with a working website and robust orientation process, adopt better meeting and communication skills, orient meetings toward new business rather than passive observation and speakers, and fully leverage the new energy in the room to bring home an overwhelming outcome for true conservatives in 2022. There is much to be done for that to happen. Stay Free 🇺🇸
My prayers for our great nation
Check Out the Manatee County REC. 2 years ago when we had elections, our 16 year Chairwoman Prevailed against Challenger Steve Vernon. The Non Good Old Boys/Establishment won 1 of the 3 elections (Treasurer) Bruce Stamm. At that time we had under 100 total members and 72 Showed up (were forced to by the chair) to vote. After a full year + of recruiting New members using the PC strategy by Dan Schultze of AZ, We now have a record 180 members, (over 100 new, never previously on the REC) and when the chair and VChair resigned last October, we hired 2 new NON Old Guard Officers who are Pro Trump/MAGA, pro Technology, and ready to Move forward into the 2022 elections with a brand new slate of Active REC members (and we are trying to fill our REC to its Max of 628 Members (plus as many of the 628 Alternates we can have).
Sorry but the actions of the Manatee Chair show that he isn't embracing Republican values but is another old guard. He sticks up for RINO candidates when they lie about their opponent during a meeting. He is only wanting money to spend it how he sees fit with no accountability to the members. As far as technology embracing, if what he thinks is embracing of technology he is still stuck in the early 90's. They have no strategy and we are so close to the primary.