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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Florida News Report

Let's not forget that after the 2020 stolen election, it was the RNC who directed the narrative to "move on". We were told not to focus on the fraud. Of course the Republican Party has lost elections after that. Little got fixed. Ronna McDaniel must go.

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All Ronna cared about was fundraising on Trump's name after the stolen election.

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I believe your are giving Ronna too much credit. Imo, she is just the figurehead. The political consultants are using Trump's name.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Florida News Report

Will post.

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Thanks, Meg! We think you are our first and fastest reader for every article! You win the prize and it should come with our brand new t-shirt line - America First AF 😊

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Hate to say this but Ronna is one in a long line of Republican LOSERS to head the RNC. The first thing that needs to happen is to defund them....stop sending them money. Start making public every democrat that helps fund them...that is first....these people are just as much traitor as democrats....

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I have done this.

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I stopped donating to the RNC after Trump lost in 2020. I blamed Ronna McDaniel totally for the loss. Everyone knew that the democrats would stop at nothing including fraud and cheating to get Trump out of office. She should have been on the ball and been ready for it. Instead she did nothing to prevent what everyone knew was going to happen.

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We need Harmeet Dhillon!

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Ronna and Gruters are a failure and they have demonstrated the behavior of being RINOs and sleepers in the RNC. They should go back to the DNC where they belong. Ronna is 100% establishment/uniparty/ and Gruters carried out her directions in Florida. Both could care less about widespread election fraud, why? The only reason I can come up with is that the fraud was in the democrats favor and they are REALLY democrats. THAT'S IT. I hope Gruters is proud of his legacy as a BIG ZERO and allowing REC's to falter at the hands of the sheeple REC chairs who did the same thing for conservative party as Ronna and Gruters did, NOTHING..

The only thing that saved the state are the grassroots who will not sit back and allow the state to go down the toilet. YES we do need someone who will lead the effort take meaningful action against voter fraud and the SOE's who allow it in Florida. That is a BIG problem here. There was no red wave on a national level, likely due to massive election fraud. Anyone who states to move on from a stolen election condones election fraud, it will repeat.

The REC membership needs to increase and there were NO true efforts to do so from the REC's except for establishment types that do not have a clue what is really going on. I keep saying we will end up like Arizona and San Fransisco.

The Republican hierarchy isn’t concerned about values – conservative or otherwise. They are singularly concerned about getting and retaining power.” https://mychal-massie.com/no-return-from-mistake-americans-being-urged-to-make/

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Time to loose Rona and Grunters.

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Gruters is not running for reelection for RPOF State Chairman.

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He’s running for RNC Treasurer and has announced he’s going to be Trump’s Campaign Chairman.

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Oh please! Gruters would be a disaster ... Is he being offered the natal campaign chair, or just FL?

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Mike Lindell is the chair we need. No important issue matters until we address and resolve the rigged elections these machines are giving us. Stop trying to sweep this fraud under the rug. Address it

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If the state committeemen, committeewomen and chairs from all county REC's vote in a majority on the 20th to remove McDaniel are Gruters, King and Feaman obligated to vote to remove as well? Or can they ignore the REC's they represent? If so, can they be removed?

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I post because I believe in you reports. My followers believe in you. Florida believes in you. Thank you for your kind gesture... God Bless you & Best Wishes for the New Year! Anything I can do to help with my keyboard warriors is at your disposal.

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Ronna McDaniel must go... an understatement! However, how well have we vetted her obvious opponent? A two and a half in the tucked position out of the frying pan, may land us in the fire. Replacing her with someone who worked for the ACLU, and is not wholeheartedly pro 2A and life, may not be the one we’re looking for!

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Author

Zeldin is out. Lindell is not a viable candidate.

It is between Ronna and Harmeet. We cannot afford another two years of Ronna harming America First Republican candidates.

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Mike Lindell RNC Chairman.

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Mike Lindell RNC Chairman.

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I am a state committeewoman in Florida. The only folks from Florida that may cast a vote to oust Ronna McDaniel are Joe Gruters, Peter Feaman and Kathleen King. The RPOF elected officials may persuade these folks, but we cannot force them to vote for a particular individual. Imo, this article is grossly misleading. A petition could accomplish the same thing as going to Sarasota for a Special Meeting. Anthony Sabatini's donor's money to fund hotel and gas expenses for the RPOF elected officials should be spent more effectively.

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Please re-read the article.

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You claim that the RPOF officials will vote to oust Ronna McDaniel at the January 20th special meeting. The author - presumably you - leaves the reality of the situation to the end of the article where the truth lies - that 3 folks from Florida may vote to oust Ronna McDaniels. Bear in mind that those three votes represent less than 2% of the 168 voters who will decide who will lead the RNC. Honesty and integrity drive me, not coercion and bullying. I have made my opinion known to the State Chairman and the National Committeewoman and will be reaching out to the National Committeeman. I would be happy to sign my name to a document calling for new leadership for the RNC. I will not be attending the unnecessary January 20th RPOF Special Meeting.

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I think you are right, Patty--Joe Gruters has already said he wants to work with Ronna Romney McDaniels. So I think he will thumb his nose at the whole RPOF if necessary--he wants to be treasurer of the RNC--no matter what his former constituents say. Here is wisdom from Act II, Sc. 1 of Julius Caesar:

"But 'tis a common proof,

That lowliness is young ambition's ladder,

Whereto the climber-upward turns his face;

But when he once attains the upmost round.

He then unto the ladder turns his back,

Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees

By which he did ascend."

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State Chairman Joe Gruters has endorsed Ronna McDaniels and would like to become RNC Treasurer. However, the vote is weeks away and Joe could change his mind. I hope he does. Yes, Ronna McDaniels has favored Florida, but it is in her best interest to do so. Florida is the 3rd largest state in the country and has been a key state to win. Why wouldn't Ronna want to show favor to the Florida members? I believe the Florida members should look at the bigger picture. When the nation loses, Florida loses. New, bold and courageous leadership is needed, particularly one that has experience with election integrity or lack thereof. The first priority of the incoming leader should be to purge ineligible voters from the voter rolls across the country. While this is a state issue, the RNC Chair could be promoting the idea to state leaders across the country who, in turn, could motivate the grassroots to reach out to their state legislators. I'd also like to see closed primaries. Democrats should not be choosing our Republican nominees.

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We already have closed primaries in FL, and should fight tooth and nail to keep them that way! We barely dodged that bullet with the RCV proposal on the ballot in 2020.

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Wouldn't you like it if all the states had closed primaries?

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Do you often tell donors how to spend their money? RPOF donated to 7 candidates in florida for the 2021-2022 election cycle. Are you suggesting maybe donating to 8 the next cycle?

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I have suggested that donors should contribute directly to candidates many times. There are some PACs that do an excellent job of promoting my preferred candidates and policies, too.

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And use Right.us instead of the lying, grifting, greedy Winred.

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I am just biased enough that if I cannot pronounce your name, you are OUT !

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Florida News Report

And therein lies one of the major problems with our country. Votes go to whoever looks best or sounds good or...your litmus test...has the best-sounding name. Good heavens, please leave the vote to those who have taken time to do their homework.

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Please seek help.

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