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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

Collier County also had a clean sweep of America First conservatives endorsed by Alfie Oakes. The RINOs are losing across the state!

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Why do all the articles about the MAGA sweeps always remain silent on the MAGA sweeps in Collier County? MAGA candidates swept out the "Republican" establishment candidates taking over the Collier County Board of Commissioners and the Collier County School Board and the Collier County REC just voted in a MAGA Board!

This information is being suppressed EVERYWHERE! WHY?

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

You forgot to mention Hillsborough County REC elected all new America First Patriots to all the leadership positions including Chairman, Vice , Secretary and Treasurer a clean sweep!

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We did in our last article.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

You are right I just like to mention our fantastic new patriot leadership!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

FNR wrote of it before.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

You are right old buddy!

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St Johns County last night elected America First members to the new REC Board! All four seats,, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer. Establishment showed up in force but We The People prevailed.

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Angelica, did you push the poll out that we collaborated on yesterday afternoon?

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Who are you? You are so wrong, there was no AF person on the BOCC Board which is why so many AF patriots supported 2 AF candidates; thankfully Krista Keating Joseph won. I would debate your comments about the rest however I do not wish to debate a coward who won't share their name. If you really want to make a point, tell us who you are, only then can a discussion happen. And for the record, we are all humans, humans can err.

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Don’t try and hide the truth with lies. Johnny had every right to try and that CC seat without obstacles from you and your group. Thanks to the little move halfway through the primary, we are stuck w Sarah Arnold. Y’all are as far from AF as you can get. We are so proud of Jamie for VC! All eyes will be on the finances.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022

Johnny Counts received 14.31% and Chuck Labanowski received 24.46% of the vote in SJC. Even combining their percentages (38.77%), the developer hack Arnold would still have won with 51% (the other two candidates receiving 7% and 3%). There were multiple factors that contributed to Krista Keating-Joseph beating the incumbent developer hack Blocker (50.25% to 49.75%) who spent $300,000 to Krista's $20,000: she was an incredible candidate, ran an excellent campaign, personally knocked on thousands of doors; and had an army of volunteers (coordinated by people like Theresa Davis and Jackie LaBlanc) that canvassed thousands of homes (my 8 year old daughter and I canvassed my entire precinct with a voter guide resulting in Krista getting 67.2% of the vote and putting her over the top on election night!). Chuck would have been our new America First county commissioner if the results from my precinct (he crushed Arnold 48.42% to 38.01%) if everyone canvassed their own precinct.

What can we learn from this? It doesn't matter how much campaign money the establishment hack has nor surprisingly how many candidates are running. First, you have to have a rock-solid candidate who runs an effective campaign. Second, people have to get off the couch and canvas their precinct to provide their neighbors with a voter guide. After the spectacular results I saw in my precinct after the primary election, I handed out a flyer at the September SJC REC highlighting the results and begging people to contact me to volunteer to canvas their precinct for the NPA races. I got ONE person to contact me and this person ended up not canvassing. Certainly, some were already involved, but sadly the vast majority stayed on the sidelines. All talk, no action! My daughter and I again canvassed my precinct (~750 homes) for the general election and every one of the candidates on the voter guide won easily, but unfortunately a couple of them didn't win countywide because we simply didn't have enough people canvassing with a voter guide.

All of us Patriots and members of the SJC REC need to work together now by implementing a process to eliminate future divisions. With our new America First SJC REC leaders, we need to define a process to vet candidates, have a debate forum VERY early in the election cycle for all candidates, have REC members vote on the candidate to endorse, and then ALL REC resources getting behind the endorsed candidate to get him/her elected (which absolutely needs to include canvassing if we really want to win). None of this was done by the REC the last election cycle because our past chairman knew the incumbents would not have been endorsed.

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It’s common sense Brian. When you have full grassroots efforts behind ONE candidate you have a better chance of taking out the incumbent. It’s not rocket science.

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Agreed! Although the results in my precinct clearly demonstrate that it isn't necessary, we should do everything in our power to increase the chances of winning by working together to ensure we are all behind one candidate to unseat the three incumbent county commissioners up for re-election in 2024. I feel confident we have the leadership team and REC members to make that happen. :-)

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Wrong again Blake. You never come in to a race where there is already an AF person running a campaign in full swing. You cost us a valuable seat we needed to win. But hey Blake as you’ve said, we’re all learning so I’m willing to watch what you will do as chair. I’m not going to attack but I’m watching and going to be advising my person there so he can help you. Thank god for Jamie. I pray you stay on track.

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Elizabeth Potter: Of course, I and others believe the exact opposite, that your team cost us the win. Nonetheless thank you for your expressions of patience and for sharing your opinions (we all have them) which, given Original Sin, are not facts.

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When you don’t have a full effort working behind ONE candidate, we will have a much less chance of winning. Those are facts. You are now chair of the REC. Watch it.

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no threats please

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

Thank you for the kind mention, FNR : ) /Sharon Regan, Santa Rosa REC

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We could not be happier for you. Congratulations!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

It's encouraging to hear the news about Sabatini as he seems to be a principled fighter for constitutional self-governance. Many America First Republicans are still asking questions about what happened with the vote for Chair in the Sarasota County REC election and it would be entirely appropriate for leadership to investigate and provide a factual explanation.

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You have legitimate concerns that should be heard. Please let us know if you are able to progress with this after the February Chairman election.

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There are many activists in Sarasota County who were pleased with the election of Christian Ziegler for RPOF Chairman, but the local cronyism still runs deep. The formal grievance procedure is tedious, time limited and appears to be somewhat biased against dissenters and open discussion of financial and other issues, but some of us have faith that perseverance in exposing the truth will prevail.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

Great insight and foresight for newbies to the party. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for your support, Cathi. We fully support you if your run for Pinellas County Chair in 2024. Let us know.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

Who writes these editorials?

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Better to ask and investigate their insight. I find it to be 100% on target.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

Indian River County and Polk County also made major changes in their REC Exe Cmte Boards to America First priorities !

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Royal, can you please email us the results at FloridaNewsReport@gmail.com?

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

I was very disappointed in the Manatee results but apparently people are more loyal to old friends regardless of what they stand for rather then going against them for the betterment of our community and country. I am proud to be labeled as a far right extremist. I believe in the constitution, our rights, and the Republican values and I will keep fighting to protect them. How can we expect to make things better if people in charge of the local REC will support RINOS and request people who want to follow the true Republican values are asked to resign?? Please let me know your thoughts.😊

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report

I think the answer lies in asking members to take a survey like the one I developed (https://putnamrepublicans.org/survey/) that asks them if they disagree with any of the 65 issue statements in the Republican Party Platform. Then RECs need to decide which ones they disagree with are deal breakers for being able to join the REC (ie #12, in my opinion!)

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Florida News Report


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Actually the truth is all the candidates that won a seat on the St Johns County REC are America First candidates. The candidate you are talking about is a great guy backed by the Tea Party. The remaining new board members were back by a group of America First Patriots that actually knocked thousands of doors, made thousands of phone calls and many thousands of emails and text. We also organized volunteers and manned tents at the polling locations every one of the election days. You need to start vetting your endorsements instead of just passing them out for the asking.

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We vetted our endorsed candidates for SJC. We just disagree with you. Time will tell if your winners are indeed "America First" or more of the same.

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That is just not true. All of the new elected SJC REC board worked very hard during the past two elections. It was our group that knocked doors, make thousands of calls, emails and texts for America First Candidates. It is our group that manned the tents for America First Candidates. Our signs specifically said America First Republican Voter Guides. I love Jamie but he is not the only true Patriot. We worked our butts off. We have been working for a year to replace the old SJC REC board. We knocked over 10,000 doors for Gerry James in the heat of the summer. We had a huge volunteer force that were very dedicated America First Patriots. This kind of reply from you is very discouraging for the volunteers that worked so hard. What is your criteria for vetting? Where are you getting your info?

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If you can't put your name to your words they mean nothing. I know who the doers are. I bet you didn't knock 100 doors. All talk, NO show! Seems to be a theme.

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This is absolutely true. I hope FNR will correct their report.

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Hi Theresa!

I would guess that FNR specifically said "at least one" and didn't identify which seat it is because they didn't want to imply that others aren't America First.

Additionally, several of the candidates that didn't win knocked doors with and for me, personally, in addition to campaigning and volunteering for me while I was running against John Rutherford.

Both you and I know, I'm not establishment and I am 100% America First. 😆

I'm just happy most of the candidates were non-establishment.

Our fight continues into 2024!!

Hope you are well and sorry I missed you at the meeting. Merry Christmas!

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St John’s country elected one true constitutional conservative, Jamie. We worked very hard to get him in as vice chair. Jamie is a man of his word and doesn’t bend to the corrupt PAC developer club on the right and never the left. Having someone that understands where the corruption comes from is crucial. He knows what is right and wrong and we pray he can influence the chair who is questionable. I hope the chair proves us wrong. We know between Jamie and several of us in the membership with make sure AF principals are applied and acted upon. In fact, we have been at work today calling the new chair about the Ronna issue. Let’s see how he votes. I will keep record and let everyone here know as we move into the year. Merry Christmas!

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Here in SJC we have seen a huge influx of people that moved into the new cheap homes thrown up after massive clearcutting. As Trump said, we will see Dems come into the party. We have seen a lot of that. One woman who moved here fresh from NY right into Silverleaf, commented that people who talk southern and smelly shouldn’t represent ‘us’. It’s these people who have infiltrated SJC. Silverleaf is a highly contested development the establishment and Hutson is ramming through building here. Our guy who ran for CC and recently chair, Johnny Coe Counts, a 7 generation cattle rancher, and the rest of us from here for many generations will talk and be how we are because we are in the Deep South. God, County, Guns. Well Trump you were right, some REC’s did get the recent Dem transplants. Let’s see how we survive.

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Why do all the articles about the MAGA sweeps always remain silent on the MAGA sweeps in Collier County? MAGA candidates swept out the "Republican" establishment candidates taking over the Collier County Board of Commissioners and the Collier County School Board and the Collier County REC just voted in a MAGA Board!

This information is being suppressed EVERYWHERE! WHY?

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Because no one contacted us to tell us the results of each of the seats. We were only advised about the Chair and covered it in our 12/11 article.

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If you're going to hide behind a fake name and not identify yourself as a REC member, then your opinion doesn't count, especially your impression of me.

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I am a Patriot. I believe in The Constitution and actually following it. I am calling on all Americans to only support schools, even colleges and universities, that teach phonics. Phonics is the only way to teach reading. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. Phonics is the only path to successful reading and spelling. We can not help our population if they can not read and think independently. I am asking all Americans to speak boldly on this issue. Many Christian universities do not teach phonics. Do not support that university. We could solve our reading program if all teachers decoded the weekly vocabulary and spelling words in just two months. We have to be vocal and strong about supporting our students in their God Given Right to be taught phonics and to save America. I once thought that the only reason for whole word reading was so many could make money. Money is to be made by failing students and dragging reading out for four to six years. There are only 43 sounds for our 26 letters. Once students understand the reading patterns they just need reading practice. Reading should only be taught for two years at the most. Making money on an easy topic is not the main reason for whole word reading. The main reason for whole word reading is to dumb down Americans. If you are not a successful reader that failure limits your possibilities. Be bold! Save our students and save America by supporting phonics only in teaching reading. Phonics is science. Science demands greater than 50% predictable patterns. Phonics is predictable 87% of the time.

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